Auction PR Publicity Announcements News and Information
Auction PR Publicity Announcements News and Information

Heffel Announces Live Auction Dedicated to Canadian Post-War & Contemporary Art

Heffel’s announces their inaugural live auction of Canadian Post-War & Contemporary Art to be held on Wednesday, November 19th at the Queen’s Park Ballroom of the Park Hyatt Hotel in Toronto. Heffel’s will be the first auction house in Canada to hold bi-annual live sales devoted to Post-War & Contemporary Art. The sale will commence at 4 pm and will precede the sale of Fine Canadian Art, which will commence at 7 pm in the evening of the same day.

David Heffel, President of Heffel Fine Art Auction House comments, “As a result of Heffel’s prior commitment to developing the secondary auction market for Canadian Post-War & Contemporary Art, and continuing with our success in this exciting and rapidly expanding market, Heffel’s is pleased to be the pioneer auction house to dedicate an independent live auction forum to this market.”

Heffel’s recognizes the Post-War & Contemporary market as distinct in nature from that of the Canadian Early Modern market of 1900 to 1940 and the Canadian 19th Century Historical market. Two catalogues will be produced for each sale, Fine Canadian Art and Canadian Post-War & Contemporary Art. This references global art sales, whereas the Fine Canadian Art catalogue consisting primarily of the Canadian Impressionists and the Group of Seven would be the equivalent of the Impressionist and Modern Art sales in New York, and Canadian works post-1945 will be offered in the Post-War & Contemporary catalogue.

Nina Kim, Director of Heffel’s Post-War & Contemporary Art department states, “Heffel’s is pleased to acknowledge the two facets of the market and to devote separate catalogue sales for each, referencing global sale schedules. The Post-War and Contemporary market has become a formidable force worldwide and Heffel’s endeavours to gain recognition for important Canadian artists of this period, as they are undervalued in relation to their international counterparts.”

Heffel’s is the industry leader in this field, having already begun to conduct Canadian Post-War sales in our Online Auction systems every September and March. Robert Heffel states, “this is a natural progression for our business, and with the changing demographic of the Canadian collector it will be interesting to watch the growth of this segment of the market”.

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