Bonhams, the international fine art auction house, will sell environmentally friendly surfboards designed by a cast of established and up-and-coming artists to aid the charity, Surfers Against Sewage on Thursday 23 Oct 2008. These surfboards will be part of the Urban Art design-led sale at Bonhams in New Bond Street.
Some of the most high profile names in contemporary art have been commissioned to decorate the eco-boards on behalf of the charity. They have been joined by a number of leading urban artists, such as Beejoir, Pure Evil, Eine and Mau Mau who will exporting their distinctive street style to the coast.
As part of the infamous ‘Young British Artist’ set, surfboard designs by contributors Tracey Emin and Gavin Turk will also be available. They are joined by British artists Jonathan Yeo, Conrad Shawcross and Annie Kevans, amongst others.
Bonhams’ Urban Art specialist, Gareth Williams, says: “Whether you are interested in the YBA’s, passionate about the Urban Art phenomena, or are a lifelong fan of Sir Paul McCartney, this auction represents a significant opportunity to acquire an original work of art, whilst supporting a leading charity in their fight against pollution.”
SAS Board Director, Hugo Tagholm says: “SAS campaigns aren’t just about sewage and aren’t just for surfers – they encompass much more, including marine litter with the recent award-winning Return to Offender initiative. Drawing Boards uses the latest in eco-surfboard technology, highlighting sustainable materials, and hopefully influencing surfers around the world into making the greener choices when it comes to surfing equipment. These days you can buy not only greener surfboards, but eco-wetsuits, recycled leashes, organic surf wax and much more. These choices don’t just apply to surfers – all recreational water users can make choices to ensure their chosen sport is as environmentally friendly as possible.
Consumption of unsustainable, un-recyclable products is a dead end that often stops in the ocean. Millions of tonnes of plastics and other waste materials make their way into our seas each year and SAS are campaigning hard to make sure that the companies responsible for this marine litter take additional steps to ensure this is a dying trend”.
Auction info