Auction PR Publicity Announcements News and Information
Auction PR Publicity Announcements News and Information

Moorcroft Pig for Charterhouse Auction

An unusual Moorcroft pig, named Peter, is just one on hundreds of lots of Moorcroft, Royal Crown Derby and other modern household names going under the Charterhouse hammer in their massive two day auction on Thursday 13th & Friday 14th November.

“There is a huge selection of ceramics and glass entered into the sale, so much so that we have had to extend the auction over two days.” Commented James Cochrane-Dyet. “The collection has been entered into the sale by a Wiltshire lady who had boxes stored all over the house, from the attic to the garage, even though she left home a few decades ago, she even had to store pieces in her mothers house a few miles down the road.”

The sale, which includes Royal Crown Derby, Moorcroft, Swarovski, Mintons, Masons, Caithness, Wedgwood, Kaiser, Lladro & others will give a great opportunity for people looking to either add to their existing collections or maybe looking to secure an early Christmas present for a loved one. However, if ceramics is not your subject, then the second day may be of interest when silver, jewellery and watches are being sold. Here, diamonds, sapphires and other valuable stones will be sold with Rolex and other watches and silver will be up for grabs.

For further information regarding this sale, please contact Charterhouse, The Long Street Salerooms, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 3BS 01935 812277 where they now accepting further entries for this two day auction in November and their two day December auction with railwayana and trains on the first day followed by clocks and collectors items on the second.

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