In a sale totalling £176,000, lot 190, a unique and unrecorded 1863 English Penny with a die number 5 below the date, was sold in Tennants Auctioneers specialist Coin Sale in Leyburn, North Yorkshire on Wednesday, 21st May 2008 for a record £17,500 plus buyers premium. It was sold to a private collector from Scotland.
In the early 1860’s the Mint introduced numbering dies on a number of coins, although the purpose of this remains unclear. Die numbers 2, 3 and 4 have already been recorded by Michael Freeman in ‘The Bronze Coinage of Britain’ and Michael Gouby in ‘The British Bronze Penny’, however a penny with a number 5 die number has so far not been recorded.
This coin had been inspected by Royal Mint authorities including the Chief Engraver, who shared the view that the figure beneath the date was indeed a 5, thus making this find numismatically important.
A large collection of proof gold coins made over £100,000 in the sale with gold prices currently high. Lot 198, an 1887 J.H Proof Set of 11 coins (comprising a £5 coin, a £2 coin, a sovereign and half sovereign in gold, a crown, a double florin, a half crown, two shillings, a shilling, a sixpence and a threepence in silver, in their original red and gold leather case) sold for £4,200 (hammer).
In addition to coins, tokens and medallions, the sale also included bank notes with lot 459, an 1891 Lancaster Banking Company Note selling for £650 and lot 464, a Kendal One Pound Bank Note selling for £750.
Entries are being invited for Tennants next Coin Sale in Autumn 2008. For more information please contact Jeff Gardiner at Tennants on +44(0)1969 623780