Auction PR Publicity Announcements News and Information
Auction PR Publicity Announcements News and Information

The Big Book of Benefit Auctions

The Big Book of Benefit Auctions by Jay R. Fiske and Corinne A. Fiske is the ultimate step-by-step handbook on how to plan and have a successful and effective auction.

Auction committees will find it an invaluable reference as it provides all the tools they will need for complete auction planning and management. From setting the goal for the event, to organizing the committee, procuring auction items, building the audience, preparing the catalog and through auction night cashiering (check out) services, everything you will want to know about the auction process is readily at your fingertips in this resource guide.

The book will not only contain important “how to” information, it will also explain why some decisions and activities are not only good practices, they are essential to having a well-run and efficient event. Also, the book will discuss important strategies for maximizing revenue at your event, and will cover common pitfalls and how to avoid them.

Author Information

JAY R. FISKE is a nationally recognized charity auctioneer and regular speaker for many different types of organizations related to auction planning, consulting, and fundraising. He has been a regular contributor to many media publications such as Auctioneer magazine, Rotarian Magazine, and more. Jay regularly serves as a consultant on fundraising to national and local nonprofits.

CORINNE A. FISKE is an event coordinator and auction consultant who also participates in teaching at Northwest Benefit Auctions’ workshops. She is the President and founder of The PoliteChild, a leading educational program for schools dedicated to developing excellent social skills in children of all ages.

ISBN: 978-0-470-41292-3
270 pages
February 2009