Following a number of changes in the auction scene in Australia, Bonhams Australia, now 100% owned by the international parent company, are gearing up for their first classic car auction in Sydney this Spring.
Bonhams have been a key player in the classic car auction scene in Australia for many years but the integration of Bonhams’ Australia into their worldwide group will improve the overall standard of service offered to their clients and customers – particularly in the motoring sector. By linking directly into the Bonhams worldwide motoring database, which enjoys huge international traffic, clients will experience the best and most exciting Bonhams services and benefits. The inaugural auction is scheduled to take place in Sydney this September with a full calendar of sales for 2011 to be announced shortly.
Robert Glover who was a specialist in the Bonhams Motoring department in Britain for a number of years before transferring to Australia in 2007 to work with Bonhams & Goodman, now heads Bonhams Australia’s Car Department. A hugely knowledgeable motoring enthusiast, Robert says of the first Bonhams Australia car auction: “We have received a great deal of interest in the first sale where we will operate as a fully integrated member of the Bonhams international motoring department.
Early indications are that our clients are very receptive to the news of our renewed presence and the Australian market is reassured to have Bonhams as a committed and consistent player in the region.”
Joining Robert Glover in the Bonhams Australian motoring team will be Damien Duigan. Damien is again an extremely knowledgeable motoring enthusiast with a particular penchant for all things Italian. Damien has had years of experience in the Auction industry with local firm Shannons and more recently experienced the very top end of the US market working for a well-known classic Ferrari dealer in California, USA. Robert Glover comments ‘We are delighted Damien has come on board. He brings an enormous wealth of experience and knowledge to the team and will be a huge asset to Bonhams’ clients both in Australia and indeed globally.’
James Knight, International Managing Director Collectors Motor Cars at Bonhams, comments: “Australia is a market we strongly believe in and have had a presence in for many years.” He adds: “Robert Brooks, our Chairman, Doug Nye our senior historical consultant and Malcolm Barber our CEO in the USA have all had extensive experience of the Australian classic car market and have been involved with many of the country’s best known collections and events over many years. I can promise our clients a complete commitment to service the Australian classic car market to the very best of our abilities. Indeed our commitment to Australia has never wavered. We are here for the long haul.”