Fellows & Sons is the first auction house in the UK to introduce social bookmarking links on their website to lift its profile in the modern era.
Social websites, including Del.icio.us, Digg, reddit, StumbleUpon and Facebook, have been added on the auction website. Buyers sharing interests with their friends is now a click away so long as they are registered members of one or more social networks. This presents two major advantages for sellers because: word-of-mouth interest is generated between friends and friends of friends; and with the exception of Facebook, bookmarks are saved on the computer so buyers may refer to it before the bidding time is over.
For online window shoppers who may not be able to buy but would still like to update their friends, by clicking the bookmarking button under the item of interest, the item will appear on their profile.
The newly improved website also provides an RSS feed which allows participants to receive news and updates of Fellows & Sons’ online catalogues.
Fellows & Sons Marketing Manager, Mary Long said “This is a fantastic opportunity for Fellows & Sons to communicate our collections with existing and potential buyers and sellers in an international context.
“With the demand of social networking, it is only natural for us as a company to work with our customers and promote an auction discussion forum for all ages.”
To view and share your favourite items from Fellows & Sons with your friends, please visit www.fellows.co.uk