With shows like American Pickers and Pawn Stars proving that the hunt for rare and special objects appeals to every generation, several leaders in the art and antiques trade have joined together to sponsor a national writing contest for kids of all ages. “Biography of an Object Writing Contest” will be open for entries from June 15 through August 15 in three divisions: “Child” (ages 12 and under), “Teen” (ages 13-19) and “Adult” (ages 20 and over). Contestants in each age group will vie for a first prize package valued at over $1,000, including a Nook Color e-reader, Barnes & Noble gift card and subscriptions to the top antiques and art newspapers and database.
National “Biography of an Object” Writing Contest Announced
Originally conceived as a middle school research assignment by Stacy Nockowitz, a teacher from Columbus, Ohio, the idea grabbed the attention of the Jeff and Amelia Jeffers (owners of antiques and art auction firm, Garth’s Auctions). “I remember entering writing contests as a kid and really enjoying it,” explains Amelia. “And, our company is always looking for ways to interest younger generations in the history of material culture. We believe collectors are cultivated, and we are committed to being a part of an effort to cultivate as much interest as possible!” Garth’s staff modified the project into contest form with emphasis not only on the history and research of the objects, but a creative spirit, embracing an interest in historical objects and story-telling. With a wealth of information related to material culture available on the internet and in libraries, the contest is a chance to emphasize the importance of heritage, reading/research, as well as the great fun of doing a summer writing project as a family (or solo).
Contest sponsors were enthusiastic from the initial suggestion. Signing on to promote and support the contest are three of the top trade newspapers: Antiques & the Arts Weekly, AntiqueWeek, and Maine Antique Digest, as well as the popular online database Prices4Antiques.com. Each paper will include entry forms and information related to the contest in upcoming issues; Prices4Antiques will engage their vast network of public libraries to spread the word. “The companies who joined us have a proven track record of supporting initiatives to engage and support interest in art and antiques among every generation,” comments Jeff Jeffers. “We are very happy to have their involvement – and, hope to see the contest grow in future years. The antiques and art trade community is full of folks who appreciate an opportunity to share their passions. This is a terrific way to reach a broad audience.”
For more information about the contest guidelines, prizes and a registration form, visit http://www.garths.com/contest or call 740.362.4771.